
the games

The competition, organised by the CDUP – Centro de Desporto da Universidade do Porto (University of Porto’s Sport Centre), aims to encourage the U.Porto students to join teams and participate in the National University Championships. The main objective of U.Porto Games is to provide all students with competitive, leisure and socialising moments during the competition.

Sport is essential to education and, as each field of study has its own distinctive characteristics, so does each sport discipline. Following that idea, we decided to focus on the wide range of sport activities practiced by the students and the uniqueness of each. The challenge was to find a way to represent it in the event identity.

We used simplified illustrations of sport equipment weaving in and out of large, brightly coloured type. The representation of movement associated with each action infuses the composition with dynamics and playfulness. The same aesthetic is reproduced for every edition of the event altering only the main colour (which is always paired with the CDUP green) and the set of sport symbols.



